Network Configuration
TensorOp represents a BMNET IR, which is a bridge between front end and back end. it provides lots of member method to set information to or get from it. Below is the prototype:
Return the number of inputs.
Return the number of outputs.
Return shape of input by index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | [Required] index of input that to be returned. |
Return shape of output by index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | [Required] index of output that to be returned. |
Return a mutable pointer to a new added TensorShape of outputs. The returned TensorShape could be modified latter.
Return offset of input tensor by index, while it was stored in device memory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | [Required] index of input that to be returned. |
Return offset of output tensor by index, while it was stored in device memory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | [Required] index of output that to be returned. |
Return a mutable pointer to parameters of customized BMNET IR.
Return reference of customized BMNET IR’s paramters.
CustomizedCaffeLayer is abstract class, which is used to implement a Layer to convert CAFFE Layer into BMNet IR(please refer to Chapter 5 for details about BMNet IR). If you want to introduce a customized CAFFE layer into BMNet, please inherit this class and implement all pure virtual functions of it. The CustomizedCaffeLayer inherits from CaffeLayer/Layer class. Below are the prototypes of them:
Pure virtual function, return type of new added CAFFE layer.
CustomizedCaffeLayer:: setup
Option. It is used to set sub type of Customized Layer only. Implement by default. If child class will override it, this parent class setup function must be call first.
Pure virtual function, is used to setup BMNET IR according to LayerParameter of CAFFE Layer. In this function, you should setup output shape and fill parameters to TensorOp.
Parameter | Type | Description |
op | TensorOp* | [Required] pointer to a instance of BMNET IR |
Protected member method, should be called when setup output offset of Layer’s top.
Parameter | Type | Description |
offset | int | [Required] offset of output, should be 0. |
Protected member variable, which is reference of customized CAFFE layer’s LayerParameter.
CustomizedTensorFixedInst is abstract class, which is used to implement a Layer to convert BMNET IR into instructions by BMKernel APIs. Please inherit this class and implement all pure virtual functions of it. The CustomizedTensorFixedInst inherits from TensorFixedInst/ TensorInst class. Below are the prototypes of them:
Pure virtual function, return type of customized BMNET IR.
Pure virtual function, is used to print information of BMNET IR.
Pure virtual function, is used to convert BMNET IR into instructions using BMKernel APIs.
Protected member method, return the base address, where the neurons are stored in device memory.
Protected member method, return the base address, where weight is stored in device memory.
Protected member variable, which is reference of BMNET IR.
TGCustomizedParamter represents a customized BMNET IR’s parameters. It provides member methods to set parameters to or get from it. Below is the prototype:
Return the number of int parameters, which stored in TGCustomizedParamter.
Return the number of float parameters, which stored in TGCustomizedParamter.
Return int parameter by index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | index | [Required] index of int parameter that to be returned. |
Return int parameter by index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | index | [Required] index of float parameter that to be returned. |
Append a new int parameter to TGCustomizedParamter.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | [Required] int parameter. |
Append a new int parameter to TGCustomizedParamter.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | float | [Required] float parameter. |
TensorShape represents a shape of tensor. Below is the prototype:
Return the number of dims.
Return one dim by index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | int | [Required] index of dim that to be returned. |
Append a dim to TensorShape.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | [Required] new dim to be appended. |
Copy from another TensorShape instance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const TensorShape& | [Required] source TensorShape instance. |
CaffeBuilder is a class, which provides a uniform interface to combine front end/optimizer/back end core code into one, to compile CAFFE neuron network graph into bmodel file. The CaffeBuilder inherits from Builder class, which is a base compiler class. Below are the prototypes of them:
Constructor function of CaffeBuilder class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ver | CHIP_VER | [Required] The target chip version. Currently only BM_CHIP_BM1880 is available. |
modified_proto | const char* | [Optional] The modified prototxt file, please refer Chapter 4 to get more detail. |
caffemodel | const char* | [Required] The specified caffemode file of network |
weight_bin | const char* | [Optional] The specified weight file of network |
in_ctable | const char* | [Required] The specified calibration table file of network |
out_ctable | const char* | [Required] The specified weight file of network |
modified_proto are optional parameters, that means you no need to fill all of this parameters. Below combination are valid: 1) caffemodel only; 2) caffemodel, as well as modified_protos
Core member function of CaffeBuilder class, used to compile the network by specifying input shape and optimization level.
Parameter | Type | Description |
n,c,h,w | int | [Required] The input shape |
opt | int | [Optional] The input optimization options. The default value is BM_OPT_LAYER_GROUP_WITH_WEIG |
Below are the values for opt.
value | Description |
OPT_NONE | No optimization |
BM_OPT_LAYER_GROUP | Divides layers into clusters to optimize the bandwidth overhead. |
BM_OPT_LAYER_GROUP_WITH_WEIG | Add additional optimization to reduce the device memory footprint and reshape weight. |
store the optimized network graph as a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
dst | const char* | [Required] File to be stored |
Store compiled instructions, weight and other information of the network as a bmodel file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
net_name | const char* | [Required] the network name. |
dst | const char* | [Required] File to store bmodel. |
Plugin_path | const char* | [Required] cpu op plugins. |
Register a new added customized layer, which used to convert CAFFE layer into BMNet IR (Intermediate representation).
Parameter | Type | Description |
Layer | Layer* | [Required] pointer to instance of Class Layer |
Register a new added customized TensorInst (Tensor Instruction), which used to convert BMNet IR into instructions.
Parameter | Type | Description |
inst | TensorInst* | [Required] pointer to instance of Class Layer |
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