You can freely downloaded the BMNNSDK installation package at BitMian website or:
BM1880 supports three types of run mode, they are USB mode, Cmodel and SoC mode, and we provide compression package, installation package and docker image for each of them.
Compression package: you can unzip and install manually, making it easy to debug and install.
Installation package: one-click installation, regardness of installation details.
Docker image:you can use it directly without changing the host environment.(only for usb mode)
You can choose one that suits your need and download.
USB Compression package:bmtap2-bm1880-usb_x.y.z.tar.gz
BMNNSDK installation package contains driver, runtime library, header, tools and example codes.
BMNNSDK installation
We support three types of runtime mode for 1880, they are Cmodel, USB and SoC mode, we will describe how to install and test the SDK for each mode as follow.
USB Mode
In USB mode, BMNNSDK is installed on the X86 host, and calling chip’s computing for deep learning, the environment requirement are as follows.
Hardware environment: X86 host with usb, BM1880 Neural Network Stick.
Operating system: Ubuntu/CentOS.
Package: dkms、libgoogle-glog-dev、libboost-all-dev、libprotobuf-dev, libusb.
Ubuntu 16.04 is recommended, you can execute below commands to install package.
Please execute below commands to install package on CentOS(>=7.2)host.
Compression package
Compression package include installation script, please copy the compression package to x86, unzip and execute the script
The script will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system content, it also will automatically compile and load the BM1880’s USB device by DKMS, which will drive the bmdnn.ko:
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
Installation package
Installation package is a self-extracting file that can be run directly. Please copy the installation package to x86 host and run it.
The installation package will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system content, it also will automatically compile and load the BM1880’s USB device by DKMS, which will drive the bmdnn.ko:
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
SoC Mode
In SoC mode, BMNNSDK is installed on the BM1880 Developer Board, use the compluting resources on the BM1880 SoC board to accelerate the deep learning calculation, the environment requirements are as follows.
Hardware environment:BM1880 SoC board
Operating system:BM1880 Linux Release
Compression package
Compression package contains the installation script, please copy it to the SoC board, unzip and execute the script in the directory.
The script will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system content, it also will load the BM1880’s TPU driver by insmod, which will drive the bmdnn.ko:
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
Installation package
Installation package is a self-extracting file that can be run directly. Please copy the installation package to BM1880 SoC board and run it.
The installation package will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system directory, it also will load the BM1880’s TPU device by insmod, which will drive the bmdnn.ko:
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
In CModel, BMNNSDK use the host’s CPU for deeplearning compulting, you can use the BMNNSDK or develop the BMNNSDK application without BM1880 device. And the environment requirements are as follows:
Hardware:X86 host
Software package:libgoogle-glog-dev、libboost-all-dev、libprotobuf-dev
Compression package
Compression package contains the installation script, please copy it to the x86 host, unzip and execute the script in the directory.
The script will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system content.
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
Installation package
Installation package is a self-extracting file that can be run directly. Please copy the installation package to x86 host and run it.
The installation package will install the BMNNSDK to default directory: /opt/bmtap2, and Symbolic Link will be created in the system directory.
To uninstall the BMNNSDK ,simply execute the uninstall script in the installation directory.
Last updated